Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Bugün, SHKD ile birlikte, Tayakadın Ilkögretim Okulundaydık. Tayakadın, Istanbul’un dışında yoksul bir köy. Geçen yıl da eğitim programı yaptığımız bu okula, davet üzerine bu yıl yeniden gittik. Okulun tüm öğrencilerine, yüzer kişilik gruplar halinde üç seminer yaptık. Öğrenciler sunumumuzu büyük bir dikkat ve coşkuyla izlediler. Geçen yılki programda öğrendiklerini hatırlıyor olmaları bizi ayrıca mutlu etti. Ayrıca, okulun bahçesinde yaşayan, geçen yıl SHKD'nin kısırlaştırdığı üç köpeğe iyi bakılıyor olmasına cok sevindik.

Intervet şirketi öğrencilere süt ve yapboz dağıtarak, Mc Donalds firması ise, donut ve meyva suyu ikram ederek programa destek oldular. Her iki firmaya da destekleri için teşekkür ederiz.
Yol Kenarlarındaki Köpekler

Tayakadın köyüne doğru yol alırken yolda belediyelerin otoyol kenarına, ıssız dağ başlarına attığı, çaresizce yemek bekleyen köpekleri gördük. Yol boyunca gördüğümüz bu hayvanları SHKD gönüllülerinin haftanın belli günleri besliyor olmaları yüreğimize su serpti ama orman içlerinde, ulaşamadığımız yerlerdeki niceleri için endişelendik. Boş bir arsada, tahminen bir iki gün önce atıldığını tahmin ettiğimiz yirmi tane minik bebekle karşılaştık. Onları da doyurduk.

Bir yandan eğitim programının başarısı bizi umutlandırırken, şehir dışında yaşam savaşı veren hayvanlarla karşılaşmanın hüznü içimizde taşıyarak geri döndük.


Today with SHKD, we visited Tayakadin Primary School for the education program on animal welfare. Tayakadin is a poor village far outside Istanbul. We had made an education program in this school last year and our visit today was a result of their invitation. We made three separate sessions for 100 students in each group. The students participated in the program with great attention and interest. We were happy to find out that they had not forgotten the content and messages of the program last year. Furthermore, we were glad to see that the school is taking care of the three dogs castrated by SHKD one year ago.

We especially thank Intervet and Mc Donalds for their donations of puzzles, milk, donuts and fruit juice for the students.
Dogs dumped by the Highway

As we were on our way to Tayakadin village, we came across dogs dumped by the highway and at deserted areas by municipalities. They were desperately waiting for food. It calmed us down a little to know that SHKD volunteers are feeding them three or four times a week. But nevertheless we were anxious for all those others dumped in forests where people couldn’t reach. We met twenty small puppies dumped in a vacant area most probably one or two days ago. They were hungry. We fed them with the food in our cars.

We returned back, encouraged by the success of our education program, and very sad to see the dumped dogs struggling to live in deserted areas.


Anonymous said...

Many teachers would like to achieve the same kind of attention and interaction that Murat gets with those children!
İ think someone should continue doing something about those municipalities dumping puppies in Tayakadin. There is only one way to force them to apply the law and you know which way that is. Other than that we are just doing work for generations to come whilst letting the people responsible for such criminal behaviour get away with it at the expense of thousands of lifes.

Unknown said...

I think EHDKD is doing pretty good job on addressing the problems of this matter. Nevertheless, these kind of organizations and services should get more funds and reach other cities in need. The videos on the website depicts the cruel life of these creatures are facing and they are not much different from my experience when I was in Turkey. I am very glad that such organizations exist, thanks to all people in crew.