Thursday, June 21, 2007


“Olağan süpheliler”in Içişleri Bakanlığı ve Emniyet Müdürlüğüne yaptıkları sayısız ihbar sonucunda derneğimizin tüm defter ve hesapları Istanbul Valiliği Dernekler Masası tarafından incelendi.

Bugün, Dernekler Masasından, tüm evraklarımızı, her türlü hesap ve faaliyetlerimizin son derece düzgün ve yasal olmasından dolayı tebrik edilerek geri aldık. Bize emanet edilen her kuruşu, her zaman, titizlikle yardıma muhtaç hayvanlara harcadık. Bunun kanıtlanmış olmasından dolayı gururluyuz.

Şimdi uyduracakları yeni şehir efsanelerini merakla bekliyoruz. Ama biraz da yaratıcılık ve zeka lütfen!


As a result of the continuous denunciations made by “the usual suspects” to the Ministery of Internal Affairs and Police Headquarters, EHDKD’s financial papers and all documents were examined by the Istanbul Government Department of Civil Organisations.

Today, as we received our documents back, we were congratulated by the authorities for our activities and financial records to be clean and legal. We have always spend with utmost accuracy every penny donated to us for animals in need. We are proud that this has been proved now.

We are waiting with anticipation for new conspiracy theories they will make up. This time we expect some kind of creativeness and intelligence for God’s sake!


NadiaNYC said...
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Anonymous said...

My heart breaks for all the poor animals in your country...actually all throughout the Balkans. I'm part of an activist group here in the US. Would you be able to send me a current news article in English pertaining to the horrific treatment of animals in Turkey? I'd like start advocating their plight. Educating the masses is key--not many here in the US are aware.

Thank you for all that you do for the animals!
