Kadir Topbas, Mayor of the Greater Istanbul Municipality
It was barely a week ago that, much to our surprise (and certainly joy), we received a personal call from Kadir Topbas, the major of Istanbul. In it we were very pleased to see a radically different attitude that the one shown by Arif Eker until now... Mr. Topbas sounded on the phone like a sincere and honest person, someone willing to get to the bottom of the issue and open to cooperation in order to the correct implementation of NR in Istanbul.. Here is a transcript of this conversation:
Kadir Topbas: I am calling you as I have promised to do so. Unfortunately I couldn't give you an appointment since I am so busy these days but I am ready to listen to you on the phone if you are available and have time for it. I am listening to you.
EHDKD: In August IBB Vet Department opened a tender for NR of 5500 stray dogs. We as NGO's experienced in NR, having done it for years in different districts of Istanbul, offered our cooperation on voluntary basis, and had several meetings with Arif Eker and Mehmet Yildirim for that. They refused our cooperation.
Kadir Topbas: Why?
EHDKD: I don't know. Then we started to watch over the execution and found out that the animals are not fed properly, they are not carried properly, most of them die during operation, they are not put back in their territory but thrown out to forests.
Kadir Topbas: What is the name of the firm that took the tender? Let me take a pen to take notes.
EHDKD: Anadolu Ilac Gida. That is a Ltd Sti established by two people.
Kadir Topbas: So this is a firm established for this tender, with no experience in NR??
EHDKD: Yes, definitely.
Kadir Topbas: NR shouldn't be done by any firm. The firm which is involved should have sympathy for animals. Otherwise their behaviour towards animals will not be proper.
And what did this firm bid for the tender?
EHDKD: 890.000 ytl.
Kadir Topbas: What was your bid?
EHDKD: Mr Topbas. I think you have misunderstood our point. We didn't bid for the tender and will never do so. Our only aim is to cooperate on voluntary basis so that the NR is successful.
Kadir Topbas: What do you want for the next tender?
EHDKD: No matter who does the execution, either a new firm or IBB itself we want to be inspectors of the execution, we want our consultancy proposal to be accepted. All our aim is for this execution to be successful and the stray dog problem of Istanbul to be solved.
Kadir Topbas: I understand. I will talk to the people involved. Please call me whenever you want and inform me about the developments.
And that was a very nice conversation with a seemingly worried and honest sounding Mayor.
Of course, Arif Eker could not let this good atmosphere last for long. The man seems to have difficulties accepting reality and discerning the truth. We are not psicologist nor psiquiatrists so we will not try to analyze his perplexing behaviour, but we believe, what follows next is worthy of careful attention as it truly portrays the nature of the man.
Today, on December 19, 2006, a group of animal lovers from Sarıyer visited Arif Eker at his office. They wanted to tell him their complaints about the dogs thrown out in forests by AIG and ask this disastrous situation caused by AIG to be compensated by the municipality by delivering these dogs to where they belonged. Here is what Arif Eker said in this meeting:
“It is not true that there is a court case. There are neutering operations continuing carried out at Municipality shelters. We are satisfied with their execution. Dogs are thrown to forests by region municipalities not by AIG. I can not do anything about this. In time, dogs will get used to their new environment. We are not going to cooperate with animal protection societies, not even take them as our counterparts. We are here talking to you, other departments wouldn't even do that.“
However, as everybody knows, the execution of AIG was stopped by Arif Eker himself after we opened a court case against the municipality. The 60 pages court case folder is in front of the judges . While Mr. Topbas who is the elected major of Istanbul, one of the biggest metropolis in the world, has pronounced his concern and shown a clear willingness to cooperate and make of the program a success, Arif Eker, the person that singlehandedly has turn Neuter and Return in Istanbul into a source of national and international shame is stating clearly, in rude and arrogant manner that the Municipality will NEVER cooperate with Animal Protection Organizations.

We believe the truly honourable course of action here would be for Arif Eker to tend his resignation with inmediate effect. It is now obvious that the stray animals of this city will not stop suffering until Arif Eker moves on to a position where he is not in direct /or indirect contact with animals.
For the most undeniable evidence of callous cruelty by Arif Eker and his Neutering Team please click HERE

Bugün, 19 Aralık Salı günü, IBB Veteriner İşleri Müdürü Arif Eker gerçekleri reddeden, uzlaşmaz tutumunu bir kez daha sergiledi.
Bir hafta önce, Sayın Kadir Topbaş bizi bizzat aradığında, aramızda aşagıda özetlediğimiz konusma gerçekleşti. Sayın Topbaş, telefonda, dürüst ve samimi bir uslupla, kısırlaştırma işinin uygulaması hakkında sorular sordu, görüşümüzü aldı ve yapılan yanlışların düzeltilmesi için hayvan koruma dernekleriyle işbirliği içinde çalışılmasına sıcak baktığı izlenimini uyandırdı. Konuşmamız şöyle gelişti:
Kadir Topbas: Söz verdiğim üzere sizi arıyorum. Ne yazık ki işlerimin yoğunluğu nedeniyle size randevu veremiyorum ama telefonda dinlemeye hazırım.
EHDKD: IBB Veteriner Işleri Müdürlüğü Ağustos 2006’da 5500 köpeğin kısırlaştırılması işini bir firmaya ihale etti. Biz, kısırlaştırıp yerine bırakma konusunda deneyimli dernekler olarak, bilgi birikimimizi, gönüllü olarak belediyenin hizmetine sunmayı teklif ettik. Bu amaçla, Arif Eker ve Mehmet Yıldırım’la defalarca toplantı yaptık. Gönüllü işbirliği önerimizi geri çevirdiler.
Topbas: Neden?
EHDKD: Bilmiyoruz. Sonra icraatı izlemeye başladık ve köpeklerin uygun koşullarda toplanıp taşınmadıklarını, barınaklarda kaldıkları süre içinde beslenmediklerini, çoğunun operasyon sırasında öldüğünü, kısırlaştırıldıktan sonra yerlerine bırakılmadıklarını, ormanlara atıldıklarını tesbit ettik.
Topbaş: Ihaleyi alan firmanın adı nedir? Not almak için bir kalem alayım.
EHDKD: Anadolu Ilaç Gida. Iki kişi tarafından oluşturulan bir limited şirket.
Topbaş: Yani sadece bu ihale için kurulmuş, bu konuda hiçbir deneyimi olmayan bir şirket mi bu?
EHDKD: Evet.
Topbaş: Kısırlaştırıp aşılamanın lalettayin bir firma tarafından yapılması doğru değil. Bu işi yapan firmanın hayvanlara karşı sevgisi olması lazım. Aksi taktirde hayvanlara karşı davranışları yanlış olacaktır. Bu firma ne kadar teklif verdi?
EHDKD: 890.000 ytl.
Topbaş: Siz ne teklif verdiniz?
EHDKD: Sayın Topbaş. Galiba yanlış anladınız. Biz ihaleye katılmadık, katılmak gibi bir niyetimiz de yok. Bizim amacımız kısırlaştırıp yerine bırakma projesinin doğru uygulanması ve başarılı olması için gönüllü olarak yardımcı olmak.
Topbaş: Bir sonraki ihale için talebiniz nedir?
EHDKD: Kısırlaştırma icraatını ister bir firma isterse IBB kendisi yapsın biz icraatı denetlemek istiyoruz. Gönüllü danışmanlık yapma teklifimizin kabul edilmesini istiyoruz. Bizim bütün amacımız bu projenin başarılı olması ve Istanbul’un sokak hayvanı sorununun çözülmesidir.
Topbaş: Anlıyorum. Ilgili kişilerle görüşeceğim. Lütfen beni istediğiniz zaman arayın ve gelişmelerden haberdar edin.
Bugün, 19 Aralık 2006. Sarıyer’den bir gurup hayvansever Arif Eker’i ziyaret etti. Amaçları, AIG tarafından ormanlara atılan yüzlerce köpeğin akıbeti konusunda konuşmak, AIG tarafından yaratılan bu durumun, hayvanların alındıkları yere bırakılmaları suretiyle, belediye tarafından çözülmesini istemekti. Arif Eker bu toplantıda şunları söylemiştir:
“Mahkeme acıldığı doğru değildir. Barınaklarda kısırlaştırma çalışmaları devam ediyor. Çalışmalarından memnunuz. Hayvan koruma dernekleri ile işbirliği yapmak bir yana onları muhattap bile kabul etmeyeceğim. Kopekler bulundukları ortama uyum gösterirler. Bu konuda hiçbirşey yapamam. Köpekler zaman içinde ormanda yaşamaya alışırlar. Sizinle burada oturup konuşuyoruz. Baska müdürlükler bunu yapmaz bile"
Oysa, herkesin bildiği gibi, AIG’nin icraatı, Idare mahkemesinde açtığımız davadan sonra, bizzat Arif Irfan Eker tarafından durdurulmuştur. Altmış sayfalık dava dosyası mahkeme heyetinin önündedir. Dünyanın sayılı büyük metropollerinden biri olan Istanbul kentinin seçilmiş belediye başkanı Sayın Topbaş, bizzat kendisi, kısırlaştırma uygulaması ile ilgili endişesini ve işbirliği niyetini dile getirirken, Istanbul’daki kısırlaştırma projesini ulusal ve uluslararası platformda bir utanç hikayesine dönüştüren kişi olan Arif Eker, açık ve küstah bir ifade ile, belediyenin HİÇBİR ZAMAN, hayvan koruma dernekleriyle işbirliği yapmayacağını söylemektedir.
Bugün, bu uluslararası platformda, kendi görev alanı içindeki konularda kamu oyunu bilerek yanlış bilgilendiren, kısırlaştırma projesini hayvanların telef edildiği bir uygulamaya dönüştüren, sivil toplum örgütleri ile işbirliğini reddeden Veteriner İşleri Müdürü Arif İrfan Eker’in istifasını istiyoruz.
Arif Eker ve kısırlaştırma ekibinin bilerek ve isteyerek yaptığı gaddarlığın inkar edilemez bir kanıtı olarak lutfen tıklayınız:
So, that Eker person is contradicting his boss? just like that?
That gentleman is obviously not aware that times have changed, and that, abuses like the ones he is obviously commiting cannot be hidden for long as it was done in the past. Times have changed and he hasn't figured out how much yet!
Welcome to the information age Mr. Eker, welcome to the internet democracy.
Here is a very interesting article that man should read:
I wonder how that guy got that job...
Bugun Istanbul Belediyesinin ihale verdigi şirketin Sariyer çevresindeki ormanlara attığı kopekleri beslemeye gittik. Urkek, perisan ve actilar. Orada görevli orman koruma memuru, geceleri kamyonetlerle gelip bu hayvanlari attiklarini soyledi. Kimbilir nereden alinip, hic tanimadıklari bir yere getirilip atilmistilar. Onlari bu caresizlige terkedenler adina utanc duyduk.
Idil ve Rifat
Halk tarafından seçilen belediye çalışanları hizmet etmek için orada olduklarını unutup kendi egolarını tatmin ediyorlarsa, ya kendi kendilerine istifaya zorlanırlar ya da halka hizmet etmemek suçundan işten atılırlar. Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanından bu konuda ivedilikler yardım rica ediyoruz.
Sivil toplum örgütlerinin görevi idareyi eleştirmek ve denetlemektir. Idarenin onlari muhatap kabul etmemek gibi bir tavrı olamaz. Arif Eker temsil ettigi kurumun ciddiyetine uygun davranmalıdır.
Arif Eker vous etes inhumane
Monsieur Kadir Topas nous demandons le remplacement de cette idiote.
Desiree, France
Dogs soul
Every dog must have a soul, somewhere deep inside
Where all his hurts and grievances are buried with his pride.
Where he decides the good and bad, the wrong way from the right,
And where his judgement carefully is hidden from our sight.
A dog must have a secret place, where every thought abides,
A sort of close acquaintance that he trusts in and confides.
And when accused unjustly for himself, He cannot speak,
Rebuked, He finds within his soul, the comfort he must seek.
He'll love, tho'he is unloved, and he'll serve tho'badly used,
And one kind word will wipe away the times when he's abused.
Altho' his heart may break in two, his love will still be whole,
Because God gave to every dog an understanding Soul!
With so many cruelties inflicted on both man and animals in the world, it can sometimes seem an overwhelming task to make things any better against the sea of indifference. It is our own behaviour and determination to end this suffering which can truly make a difference.
As Gandhi himself said, 'We must be the change we wish to see'.
Keep up the good work
Was fur ein Unmensch ist der herr Arif Eker, er soll selbst sterilisiert und im Wald freigelassen werden
Und in so einen Land sollen wir Ferien machen. Niemahls Jurgen Hamburg
Lieve dierenbeschermers, Ik heb ontzettende bewondering voor jullie inzet en moed. Ik denk aan jullie! Ga door met je werk; eens zullen jullie de winnaar zijn. Ria van den Berg/Uithoorn
Sokak hayvanlari konusunun tek cozumu insanca yakalama, insanca kisirlastirma ve ait oldugu yerlerde yasamalarina izin vermekle saglanir. Bunu saglamayan toplumlar ilkel toplumlar olarak anilmaya devam edecektir. Bunun sorumlusu ise yonetimlerdir. Er gec her yonetim, her sahis, hesap verecektir.
Akil sahibi hayvanseverlerin, ve yine akil sahibi sivil toplum orgutlerinin yapacagi isbirligi ile gerceklestirilecek kisirlastirmanin en etkili yontem oldugunu dusunuyorum. Bu konuyu sadece belediyelere birakmak hayvanlarin katledilmesine neden olmaktadir. Verdiginiz mucadeleyi destekliyorum.
Bizim oylarimiz ile gelip, bizim paramizla maaş alan, sonrada hiçbirimizin kabul etmeyeceği şekilde hareket eden kimseler kendi istekleri ile gidebilirler. Aksi taktirde biz onlarin yaptiklarinin hesaplarini yüce türk adeletinin önderliğinde kendilerinden onlari secen ve vergilerimizle yaşatan halk olarak hesap soracağız.
Sokakta baktiğim kopeklerim var. Aslinda bunlar benim degil istanbulda yaşayan tüm halkın. Ancak zaten fazla duyarlı insan yokken birde ustune ustluk belediye hayvanlara casitli sekilde eziyet ediyor. Sayin belediye baskanimizdan ricam lutfen artik bu hayvanlara eziyet ederek kendine yer edinmeye çalisan müdür bey ile konussup durumun düzeltilmesi için gerekeni yapsın.
Un departamento veterinario que se dedica a castrar animales y abandonarlos en el bosque y en las carreteras?
El alcalde promete investigar el asunto y cooperar con las protectoras y vuelve a salir el payaso de turno y arremete con la barbaridad esa de que cooperacion NUNCA? Nunca??
Pero que gentuza, Dios mio, que gentuza. Espero que al asesino ese Eker o como se llame lo despidan y lo destierren a una isla sin comida ni agua, como ha hecho el con todos esos pobres animales.
Und in so einen Land sollen wir Ferien machen...
Niemahls Jurgen
Lieve dierenbeschermers,
Ik heb ontzettende bewondering voor jullie inzet en moed.
Ik denk aan jullie!
Ga door met je werk; eens zullen jullie de winnaar zijn.
Ria van den Berg/Uithoorn
Espero que el tal Arif Eker sienta un dia en sus huesos el mismo dolor que esos pobres animales sentiran esta noche tirados en esos bosques turcos.
Maldito sea, asesino.
Francisco Ruiz
Bueno, definitivamente creo que el ser un hijo de perra le ha causado conflictos psicológicos al sujeto mencionado de nombre Eker y está tratando de desaparecer a los pobres perros , pues en su mente retorcida debe creer que le van a pedir parte de su herencia. Es por ese motivo que además de castrarlos para que no se reproduzcan y le salgan más parientes, los suelta en el bosque para que se pierdan para siempre.
"Señor" Eker, deje esos temores, el ser un hijo de perra como usted lo es , no es algo que se deba tomar literalmente, esa es sólo una forma en que los humanos llamamos a tipos como usted para no decirle "HIJO DE PUTA", calificativo que se ajusta más a su realidad.
Los pobres perros tienen la suerte de no llevar la sangre Eker y ser más dignos que usted, pues le aseguro, que si usted, recogiera a una de sus victimas, le mostraría amor, aún después de lo que usted ha hecho con él, pues eso es todo lo que ellos quieren, amar y hacer felices a las personas, aún a las personas que más aparentan ser cualquier tipo de bicho de alcantarilla, salvando las distancias pues hasta esos bichos son mejores de lo que Usted es.
Con respecto a la castración, creo que si usted aun no se ha reproducido, sería una buena opción para que el mundo se libre de personas de su calaña, pero, si ya encontró a la hembra de su especie y ya tiene una camada, la solución sería que los castren a todos y los dejen en una jaula, desnudos y sin comida ni baños, ni agua , en las mismas condiciones en que gracias a usted se encuentran estos perros que son sus victimas.
Le deseo de todo corazón que un día ,en que salga de paseo al campo, lo agarre un burro en celo y lo viole muy, pero muy lentamente.
Aunque pensandolo bien y sabiendo el tipo de sujeto que es usted, creo que eso, lejos de ser un castigo , sría un premio, pues quien sabe a qué cochinadas más estará acostumbrado.
Digale a su madre que la tengo muy presente y que su padre debió usar una buena marca de condón cuando hicieron el amor y por esas causas del destino escapó un espermatozoide enfermo que terminó siendo Usted.
reciba una patada en los huevos (si es que tiene), de parte mía, y una mordida de parte de mis 2 rottweillers y mi Bull terrier.
Dios lo maldiga.
Este tipo de individuos sólo merecen descalificaciones, aunque no haya nada que les pueda definir.
Son gente que no deberían existir porque no aportan nada ni a la sociedad, ni a la familia ni a ellos mismos, con lo que son chupócteros indeseables que cuento antes se extingan mejor.
Le deseo lo peor pero lentamente, que el sufriento que tenga sea tan insoportable que decida ponerle fín, pero que no pueda para que siga sufriendo.
¿De qué raza es? Está sin catalogar.
Why being so cruel with the innocents? Because you think you won't be punished. I'm sorry to tell you that although they cannot speak there are many of us around the world who want to be their voice. You are a real bastard and not these poor animals
I condemn the Veterinarian Chief, Mr. Arif Eker, for his cruel thoughts against these defenseless animals and for his incapable actions as the chief of a department which should protect the animals instead of wasting them. I wonder how he would think if we humans and dogs exchange our souls for one day and we become the ones who are beaten, thrown in the streets, starve, ran over by cars, etc.. Would he be thinking the same way he does now? I don't think so. Mr. Arif Eker, please be aware that being a man doesn't mean that you're a human !!! Your right actions in the society makes you a "human being", otherwise we all become "animals".
Hay gente que avergüenza a la especie humana. Eker es uno de ellos. Lo que hace, le hace indigno de ser llamado ser humano o persona. Le sitúa, en la escala evolutiva, por debajo de todos aquellos a los que maltrata. Este individuo se está haciendo famoso en toda Europa por su triste actuación.
Espero que el responsable en Turquía destituya a este cobarde que disfruta con el sufrimiento de los más débiles.
Solange Menschen denken, dass Tiere nicht fühlen, werden Tiere fühlen, dass Menschen nicht denken
Arif Eker Sie sind so ein Mensch
Arif Eker moet gestopt worden.
Succes met jullie strijd!
Jo de Haan/Nederland
time for Mr. Eker to go. Through the backdoor afcourse.
Ik heb hem net een mail geschreven in het engels dat het een SHAME ! is !
En hem verteld dat de honden ook een schepsel zijn van ALLAH!
En dat ze in een hel op aarde leven.
Dat het onze plicht is om goed voor ze te zorgen etc ect.
Ook een noodkreet voor hulp om de honden.
We voelen ons verraden, dat er zo wordt omgegaan met de dieren.
Ik heb er een foto van mij met mijn honden als bijlage bij gedaan. Zodat hij weet dat er écht iemand achter het mailtje schuilt.
Ik heb" Kerst" er maar niet bij gehaald, dat heeft geen waarde bij zo iemand.
Ik heb géén idee of zo iemand er een gevoel bij krijgt.
Els Elst-Nederland
Bu hayvanlar sokaklarda yasiyorlar, yasam mucadelesi veriyorlar. Biraz bilincli olsak yasamlari cok daha kolay olurdu. Bu yapilmadigi gibi ustune bir de hayvanlarin caresiz durumlari uzerinden sirf para kazanmak adina bu islere giriliyor ve butun bu rezillik ortaya cikmis olmasina ragmen bir sey yapilamiyor. Gorevlerini suistimal edenler cezalandirilmali. Bu bidon sirket hemen kapatilmali ve hayvan haklari ile ugrasan derneklerin kontrolunde kisirlastirmalara devam edilmeli. Bu insanlarin hic alakalari olmadiklari hayvanlara daha fazla aci cektirmelerine izin vermeyelim lutfen. Sn. Kadir Topbas, dupeduz suc isleyen bu insanlarin gorevlerinden alinmalari icin gerekli islemler baslatilsin lutfen.
Bulgu Ozturk
gitmesi gereken yalnız arif eker değil,hayvanları sadece hayvan olarak kabul eden zihniyettir.
sarıyer barınağının her iki halini de çok yakın takip eden ve ihaleyi alanların yanlış uygulamalarına zaman zaman tanık olan biri olarak çok üzülüyorum.elimden gelen her ne varsa yanınızdayım...
good to read that there are more and more people in Turkey who do care about the strays. Keep us informed about the fate of this Arif.
What happen to the strays left in the woods?
Halo, ich finde es sit einfach unfaßbar, was in d... Halo,
ich finde es sit einfach unfaßbar, was in der Türkei mit den Hunden geschieht! So ein Land will in die EU? Das wäre ja Wahnsinn.
Dieser kranke falsche Stolz und diese widerliche Geldgier macht mich krank, oder was bringt sonst Leute dazu Tiere zu Tode hungern zu lassen?? Dort auszusetzen wo sie dem Tode ausgeliefert sind?
Es wäre ein Skandal, wenn die Klage abgewiesen würde, es ist doch glasklar, daß die Situation einfach mittelalterlich und einfach unglaublich brutal und krank ist.
Ich hoffe, es wird endlich ein Weg gefunden, wie den Tieren in der Türkei, in diesem Fall den Hunden, geholfen wird, uneigennützig sondern einfach für die Tiere.
Hunde sind ganz sicher nicht unrein, diese Wesen die den Hunden so viel leid zufügen aber ganz sicher!
Entsezte und wütende Grüße
Nicole aus Gelnhausen/Deutschland
pourquoi ne collaborez-vous pas avec les organisations protectrices des animaux afin de résoudre le problème des chiens sans maître d'une manière correcte? Eux, ils sont victimes de la négligence et de la méchanceté humaine et, de plus, victimes de votre ignorance et arrogance. Vous ne voulez pas comprendre que la stérilisation/castration CORRECTE des chiens/chats est la seule solution efficace, durable et humaine afin de contrôler et de réduire la surpopulation canine/féline. Les interventions mal faites ne sont que la tuerie cachée. Également la privation de la nourriture, de l'eau fraîche ainsi que le manque de soins postopératoires sont mortels pour les animaux et vous le savez bien.
Les chiens qui ont survécu le mauvais traitement de la capture, de l'opération etc. sont mis dans les forêts, sur les autoroutes et partout où leur mort est assurée!
N'avez-vous pas honte, Monsieur Eker? Vous savez également bien qu'après la stérilisation/castration les chiens doivent être remis dans leurs quartiers habituels afin d'éviter que d'autres meutes s'y installent.
Sachez, Monsieur Eker, que votre comportement n'aide pas d'améliorer la mauvaise réputation de la Turquie qui désire devenir membre de l'Union Européenne. Vous aggravez la misère animalière déjà déplorable, au lieu de l'améliorer. Ainsi vous témoignez de votre mauvaise volonté, traînant la réputation de votre pays dans la boue. Pensez-en, Monsieur Eker, et changez votre attitude en faveur des animaux sans défense et surtout en faveur de votre pays!
Nous sommes à côté de nos confrères turques et internationaux de la protection des animaux et nous soutenons leurs démarches pour sauver les chiens de vos mains, c'est à dire de la mort.
Avec nos sentiment distingués.
Uta Seier-Maltz, la responsable de la CIFAM France (Coordination et Information en Faveur des Animaux Martyrs) F-06650 Opio/France, courriel cifam@wanadoo.fr
If Mr. Eker wanted to reach celebrity status we must congratulate him as his name will be forever associated with animal cruelty and how a project conceived to the good of a country can be turned into chaos when blindness and political arrogance come into play.
To hell with Eker.
Paolo Lombardi
ik kan alleen maar schrijven dat dit natuurlijk helemaal niet kan en het echt verschrikkelijk is om dit te zien en te lezen.Eigenlijk zijn er geen woorden voor.
Els Versantvoort-Holland
Von EU-Standards ist sowas ja noch ein wenig entfernt....
Shame on you mister Eker! We are very happy to hea... Shame on you mister Eker! We are very happy to hear that there is an organisation who tells the world what is happening and what you are doing with innocent animals.
We will tell it forward and tell the world..
We really hope to hear very soon that you are replaced. And that someone with a hart your place has taken.. The way you let animals be treated tell us you haven't one, what we see is just misplaced arrogance and not suitable for the job at all!
Ingmar and Wendy van der Stel, The Netherlands.
Publish Reject (Anonymous) 7:27 AM
bad bad man
To all the people who are tryijng their altmost to approve this situation: keep up the good work!
To Mr. Eker: please wake up and smell the coffee, we don´t live in the dark ages anymore. Please show these dogs you do have some common sence in you or else please get another job, without having to do with living an breathing creatures!
Monique den Hartog- Spain
Ojalá se pudra en el infierno y sufra y le duela como a estos pobres animales q nunca supieron qué les iba a pasar.
Una patada en el culo para el q lo ha llevado a cabo y un abrazo y caricia para todos esos perros q desde aquí lloro su pérdida y sufrimiento.
Rosi b. desde España.
As we step in to the new year I hope and pray Mr Eker will be stepping out of his job forever.
What has and is happening here is truly disgusting.
Sr. Eker, solo espero que en el infierno, al que seguro que va a ir (esperemos que dentro de poco tiempo), le hagan lo mismo que ha hecho usted a esos animales y le arranquen los testículos y luego le abandonen en una cuneta para que se desangre y sufra enormemente.
Le deseo en el nuevo año que le ocurra algo terrible y que le haga sufrir hasta límites insospechados, justamente lo que hace usted con los animales que caen en sus manos.
Me avergüenzo de pertenecer a la misma raza que usted.
I guess there is still justice some place.
I guess there is still some trace of common sense in the human being.
And I guess it because I need to have some hope, instead of this horrible feeling of aversion against people like you.
As far as I have been documented, and unless mistake from my part, a Court case has been sued, therefore the only explanation I find when I read your "no Court case has been sued" is that you must be stupid (strictu sensi) And this scares me.
And this scares me because the worst for a human being is another stupid human being.
What you are doing is typified in the Legal System of your good country. Do you really sleep at night? Yes, I guess there is still some justice. And I guess it because I need to have some hope: the hope of your removal from public duty and the hope of seing you in jail.
May God give you the life that you deserve.
Diana, Valencia, Spain
why do this to this to them that can't speak, that have a heart and soul and feel pain like we do.
thank you for letting everyone know what happens there in Istanbul!!! This cruelty must be stopped!!!
a big BRAVO for the people of EHDKD.
Sylvia, The Netherlands
After the amazing kindness and hospitality shown to me by nearly all of the Turkish people I met on a recent vacation to Turkey, I am absolutely appalled to see two public officials acting in such a manner as this.
I contacted Mr. Eker via the email provided on the EHDKD blog to ask about this but he has ignored my inquiry.
Thanks to EHDKD for your work on behalf of stray dogs. This is a service not only to stray dogs in Turkey (and the people who share their neighborhoods with them), but as an inspiration to everyone who learns of your dedication to this cause.
The officials who allow the neuter and return program to be carried out in an inhumane and dangerous way need to know that people everywhere - animal lovers and potential/current tourists included - are aware of what is going on; no one wants stray dogs to be subjected to dangerous and inhumane conditions before and during their neutering and then dumped out of sight in the woods to starve.
For many people it is an issue of being humane, but for those to whom it is an issue only of money, know that animal cruelty does little to bring in tourism.
Let a responsible and professional organization like EHDKD organize or monitor neuter and release so Turkey's stray dog issues can be solved humanely and for the long term.
-Katie (Slovakia/US)
Desde España opino que este señor es una vergüenza para la raza humana. Los perros que el asesina son mil veces más humanos que és.
Espero que todas estas voces pidiendo su cese sean escuchadas. ¿Qué le pasa a este mundo?¿Dónde está el corazón de las personas? El que es capaz de hacer algo así a un pobre animal inocente es capaz de hacérselo a un niño, igual de inocente.
Deberíamos aprender mucho de los perros...nobles, leales, cariñosos, más humanos que muchos.
Púdrase en el infierno Eker. Desde España con todo mi corazón humano
some of you are asking what has happenned to the strays left in the woods? Now, let me tell you! When I last visited to feed some of these poor dogs only couple of days ago, many of them were missing! Of course there is a possibility that they might refuse the food supplied and wonder into the the woods which I think is very unlikely specially when I was told that for the last couple of days there was a sight of a council's van that collects the strays....and let me tell you the very near senario, appearently there is a rabbies case in Demircikoy and this area is also in carantina now, as we sit and slowly watch somehow there is an increase in places with carantina which with the new law this situation is justified for the mass murder of the strays in the woods....what a clever way of getting rid of them, isn't it? well they think so, we, animal lovers are getting more organized and they haven't seen nothing yet!
Les mentalités ont beaucoup évolué et à l'aube du 21 ème siècle, les actes de cruauté commis sur de pauvres êtres sans défense ne sauront restés impunis. Comment peut-on prétendre entrer dans l'Union Européenne et vouloir accéder au rang des pays développés quand on utilise des pratiques dignes du Moyen Age? Milles mercis à tous ceux qui luttent pour ces pauvres animaux.
Como amante de los animales no puedo entender tal crueldad y tal hipocresía por parte de los responsables turcos. Además es intolerable utilizar a unos pobres niños para acabar con el problema de los perros callejeros. ¿Qué tipo de educación le están dando a sus hijos, ciudadanos de mañana? Lo que tenéis que hacer ,señores turcos, es inculcar a vuestros hijos respeto y amor hacia los animales y la naturaleza, que nos estamos cargando todo alrededor nuestro.
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