Sunday, February 4, 2007

Çocuklara ’öldürmeyi’ öğretiyorlar... They are teaching children to kill

Today, Sunday February 4th, Bekir Coskun, the editor of Hurriyet, the largest circulation newspaper in Turkey, published this harrowing article. We believe it is worth reading and reflecting upon its content.
Turkey is at the crossroads, not only on animal welfare issues. It is time for the nation to choose a path, prosperity and development guided by humane principles or to be continue asserting those well-known prejudices it is fighting so hard to shake. EHDKD

Translation of the column by Bekir Coskun:

Goldi carried his own water and food bowl, leash in his mouth. When it was time for vaccination, he went to the Veterinary Medical Center, himself, with the vaccination certificate in its mouth.
Yesterday, the veterinarians that use to take care of him were crying.
Because Goldi was killed.
Not only Goldi, recently, in many districts of Ankara, Municipalities have been committing mass murders.
In Oran district, that night, 40 dogs were lost.
As our beloved friend, Deniz Biliroglu, has reported, the owners found some of them lying dead on the snow. The rest were lost. The murderers had collected the corpses of the rest.
Goldi was found, dead, in the garden of his own house.
Members of Parliament, higher bureaucrats, live in that district. That is, those who have issued the Animal Protection Law and are responsible for its implementation.
I continue asking: In Turkey every day, blood is being shed. People are continuously killing each other.
Would those criminals with guns in their hands had grown up without love if they have had a dog or a cat when they were children?
Wouldn't a kid, friends of animals that cannot talk be more able to communicate with fellow humans once he grew up?
Isn't loving a bird, a cat or a dog the first lesson to love, to protect and not to mistreat a living soul?
If you show children that killing is a way of establishing peace and comfort, how will the spilling of blood be stopped in this country?
How will murder, death, terror, ever stop?
Children, the owners of Goldi and other dogs and cats have been crying for days. Some of them are still looking for their lost friends in the streets of Ankara.
This is how the stories of murder, cruelty, merciless lack of respect for life begin. Here is how the murderes, the criminals, the people with knifes grow up.
The grown ups are telling children that killing is not bad, can't you see that?
I cannot help remembering Goldi, who was more conscious than the grown ups. He is waiting in front of the door, with the vaccination card in his mouth.

1 comment:

bunnysandra said...

Zitat Theodor Heuss:
"Je früher unsere Jugend von sich aus jede Rohheit gegen Tiere als verwerflich anzusehen lernt, je mehr sie darauf achtet, dass aus Spiel und Umgang mit Tieren nicht Quälerei wird, desto klarer wird auch später ihr Unterscheidungsvermögen werden, was in der Welt der großen Erwachsenen Recht und Unrecht ist."
Dieses Zitat betont treffend die Wichtigkeit der emotionalen Erziehung in Familie, Schule und der Gesellschaft. Das Aufwachsen von Kindern mit Tieren/Haustieren wird von vielen Forschern empfohlen. Tierliebe ist nahezu allen Kindern von Geburt an mitgegeben. Was aus dieser Anlage beim heranwachsenden Kind wird, liegt maßgeblich in der Einflussnahme der Erwachsenen.
Hier ist die große Verantwortung und richtige Anleitung von Eltern, Lehrern und erwachsenen Vorbildern notwendig.
Von den durchweg positiven Ergebnissen profitiert die fortschrittliche Entwicklung einer ganzen Gesellschaft. Kinder, welche richtig gelernt haben, mit Tieren verantwortungsbewusst umzugehen - so ergaben bereits Langzeitstudien bekannter Psychologen (z.B. Prof. Guttmann, Wien)- sind kontaktfreudiger, sie reagieren mit größerer Sensibilität auf die Mimik und Körpersprache von Menschen. Bei ihren Schulkameraden sind sie beliebt und genießen häufig den Ruf, schwierige Situationen besser meistern zu können. Im sorgsamen Umgang mit Tieren erlernen Kinder spielerisch Sozialverhalten, Rücksicht zu nehmen auf physisch und psychisch andersartige Geschöpfe und entwickeln viel Phantasie durch Beschäftigung mit dem Tier, die beiden Freude macht.

Für eine bessere gemeinsame Zukunft von uns Menschen und die uns anvertrauten Tiere!
Sandra Kögler, Deutschland